General Electric (GE)-McKinsey Growth Share Matrix

General Electric (GE)-McKinsey Growth Share Matrix

The General Electric (GE) McKinsey Matrix is a nine-cell (3 by 3) matrix used to perform business portfolio analysis as one of the steps in the strategic planning process.

The purpose of the analysis is to plot each Strategic Business Unit (SBU) on the chart depending on (a) the SBU's Strength and (b) the Attractiveness of the Industry Sector or Market on which it is focused. Each axis is divided into Low, Medium and High, resulting in the 3 by 3 nine-cell matrix.

Unlike a BCG Matrix template, it uses multiple factors to define Industry Attractiveness and Business Unit Strength and therefore overcomes one of the limitations of the BCG Matrix.

The Business Tools Store offers the GE/McKinsey Matrix templates for Excel and Word and a package that contains both at 25% of the cost of the individual templates.

Click on the images below for details.