SWOT & TOWS Analysis Chart Templates

SWOT & TOWS Analysis Chart Templates

A comprehensive portfolio of SWOT a nd TOWS analysis chart templates to suit all needs. Templates are available for MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint and MS-Word.

These templates are also packaged with templates for other strategic planning tools including PEST Analysis, Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix, SPACE Matrix, and the General Electric (GE)-McKinsey Matrix.

Click on the images below for details. 

TOWS analysis is a tool which is used to generate, compare, and select strategies.

TOWS is the next logical step in the strategic planning process by addressing the following questions.

How do we capitalize on our strengths?

Mitigate the impact of our weaknesses?

Exploit the Opportunities?

Manage the Threats?

The TOWS Analysis Matrix is a tool to answer these questions in a structured fashion.